Spring 2008

February 27, 2008, Wednesday, 7:00PM
Location: Coolidge Corner Theatre - Movie House II

Balagan & the Harvard Film Study Center present
Santiago by João Moreira Salles (Director in person)

João Salles is one of Brazil's foremost documentary filmmakers. In 1992 he began shooting a film about Santiago, the butler in his childhood home who left an indelible mark upon the family and had written over 60,000 pages of stories about the people and things that surrounded him. Salles did not finish the film for 13 years until Santiago's death rekindled Salles determination for a conclusion.


March 19, 2008, Wednesday at 8PM
Location: Carpenter Center for Visual Art-Harvard University - 24 Quincy St. Cambridge, MA

Balagan, Mass College of Art Film Society and the Harvard Film Study Center presents:
Peggy and Fred in Hell by Leslie Thornton (Director in person)

Peggy And Fred In Hell
is one of the strangest cinematic artifacts of the last 20 years, revealing the abuses of history and innocence in the face of catastrophe, as it chronicles two small children journeying through a post-apocalyptic landscape to create their own world. Breaking genre restrictions, Thornton uses improvisation, planted quotes, archival footage and formless timeframes to confront the viewer's preconceptions of cause and effect.

March 27, 2008, Thursday, 5:30PM
Location: Museum of Fine Arts Boston- 640 Huntington Ave., Boston

Balagan & the Muesum of Fine Arts presents:

Selections of Shorts from the Black Maria Film Festival

Since 1981, the annual Black Maria Film and Video Festival, an international juried competition and award tour, has been fulfilling its mission to advocate exhibit and reward cutting edge works from independent film and videomakers. The festival is known for its national public exhibition program, which features a variety of bold contemporary works drawn from the annual collection of 50 award winning films and videos. Balagan is delighted to again co-present the Boston leg of the festival with the Museum of Fine Arts.


March 30, 2008, Sunday, 5:00PM
Location: Coolidge Corner Theatre

Balagan presents:
Unidentified Vietnam No.18 & other films by By Lin+Lam
(Directors in person)

Since 2001, Lana Lin and H. Lan Thao Lam have been researching an archive of South Vietnamese propaganda films at the Library of Congress. Unidentified Vietnam No. 18 is a successor to the seventeen films in the collection labeled only as  "Unidentified Vietnam, #1-17". Lin + Lam's personal, experimental film examines the contested relationship between Vietnam and the US, between history and propaganda, between democracy and nation building.


April 17, 2008, Thursday, 7:30PM
Location: Coolidge Corner Theatre

Balagan presents:
Dreams and Apparations of Mark Lapore (2007) by Saul Levine
(Director in person)

w/ Polina Marshakova, Adam Savje, Kim Keown, Saul Levine, Joe Briganti, Alison Holt, Schiller Diny, Luther Price and Ericka Beckman.

Each of these persons recount dreams or visions of Mark Lapore. It was made in response to his suicide on 9/11/2005. Shot with a Black & White Panasonic studio tube camera.

“Saul Levine is the foremost dissenting filmmaker in America. With about 35 years of consistent production behind him, and no signs of fatigue, he can show us the shape of a life passionately and uncompromisingly devoted to filmmaking. His works are high-energy messages of friendship, records of sexual love and political activism, radiated by humor, prophetic anger, loneliness and even though rarely, representing repose. His incessant, chaotic outpouring of political energy seems less geared to a naïve notion of bettering the world than to a perpetual pressure to keep it from getting worse.” — P. Adams Sitney.

April 26 & 27, 2008, Friday 7PM & Saturday at 3PM
Location: Harvard Film Archive
Carpenter Center for Visual Art
24 Quincy St. Cambridge, MA

Balagan, the Harvard Film Archive and the Film Study Center presents:

The Sun and the Moon in Indonesia:
The Single-Shot Cinema of Leonard Retel Helmrich
(Director in person)

Indonesia is one of the most populous nations on earth, and that population is among the most diverse anywhere. In order to depict and explore that diversity and its complexities, Leonard Retel Helmrich (b. 1959) aims not for a vast overview but rather focuses on the daily, the specific and the intimate. He has spent several years documenting the fortunes of one working-class family in Jakarta, headed by the matriarch Rumidjah. The two films that he made with that family, The Eye of the Day and Shape of the Moon, have won prizes at festivals from Amsterdam to Sundance.


Fall 2007

ccvalogoOctober 13, 2007, Saturday, 7:30PM FREE SHOW!
Location: Carpenter Center -Harvard University - 24 Quincy St. Cambridge, MA

Balagan and Mass Art Film Society present
: Special Event!
Colen Fitzgibbon Retrospective: Your Basic Film
With special guests Coleen Fitzgibbon, Saul Levine, Scott MacDonald, Sandra Gibson & Luis Recoder in attendance
Balagan is delighted to bring a special retrospective screening to Boston of the works of Coleen Fitzgibbon. Fitzgibbon was active as an experimental film and video artist under the pseudonym "Colen Fitzgibbon" between the years 1973-1980.   A student of Owen Land (aka "George Landow") and Stan Brakhage during her years as a film/video student at Art Institute of Chicago (1971-73), she later attended the Whitney Museum of American Art's Independent Study Program under Ron Clark (1973-74), studying with international artists such as Michael Snow, Yvonne Rainer, Vito Acconci, Donald Judd, and Dennis Oppenheim.   Between the years 1973-1976 Fitzgibbon made some of her most rigorous experimental work to date on 16mm and super 8 film, screening at numerous international film festivals and museums, including EXPRMNTL 5 at Knokke-Heist in Belgium, Institute of Contemporary Art in London, Anthology Film Archives, Collective For Living Cinema, and Millennium Film Workshop in New York. Thanks to the caring and meticulous preservation work of Sandra Gibson and Luis Recoder, Balagan is thrilled to be able to bring Coleen's films back to the screen and into the contemporary dialogue of American avant-garde film history.

icaOctober 26 and 27th, 2007, at the ICA Boston
Balagan and ICA Boston present: Boston area Premiere!
Czech Dream
by Filip Remunda (Czech Republic)

CZECH DREAM documents the largest consumer hoax the Czech Republic has ever seen. Filip Remunda and Vit Klusak, two of Eastern Europe's most promising young documentary filmmakers, set out to explore the psychological and manipulative powers of consumerism by creating an ad campaign for something that didn't exist. CZECH DREAM - the Hypermarket for a better life!

coolidgelogoNovember 5, 2007 (Monday) at the Coolidge Corner Theatre 7:30 & 9:30PM
Balagan and the Harvard Film Study Center present:
Promised Paradise
by Leonard Helmrich (Indonesia/Netherlands)

Artist in Attendance for Boston Premiere!

The Jakarta-based Indonesian puppeteer and troubadour Agus Nur Amal travels to Bali to call to account the people who were responsible for the bomb attack on a nightclub there on 12 October 2002. Like in his theatre shows, humour is his main weapon.


coolidgelogoNovember 29, 2007 (Thursday)
at the Coolidge Corner Theatre 7:30PM
Balagan presents: Strange Culture by Lynn Hershman Leeson

Guest speaker to be announced

" Strange Culture is an important heads-up to what is going on in our country right now in the name of national security, and a brilliant statement on artistic freedom and the dangers it faces. This film should be seen, should be discussed and is an important document on our times."-- Film Threat

"Hershman Leeson is as interested in reinventing the doc form as she is in publicizing Kurtz's case...The director not only breaks the fourth wall, she reduces it to plaster dust...Hershman Leeson gets it. And so will viewers of Strange Culture. "-- Variety


Spring 2007

February 22, 2007, Thursday, 7:30PM
Big Balagan: Local Filmmakers - Films from Emerson
A program of films by filmmakers who teach at Emerson College: Kathryn Ramey, Robert Todd, Pierre Desr and John Gianvito.

March 8, 2007, Thursday, 7:30PM and 9:30PM
Director's Eye: Lynne Sachs and Mark Street (in person)

April 5, 2007, Thursday, 8:00PM, at the Museum of Fine Arts
The recent selection from the Black Maria Film Festival
Museum of Fine Arts (MFA), 640 Huntington Ave., Boston

This year's Black Maria selection spans from poetic visual lyricism (Leighton Pierce, Robert Todd, John Warren) to animated mythical stories (Stacey Stears, Eric Patrick,
Karen Aqua/Ken Field) to at times controversial first person accounts from different parts of the world (Sergey Litovetz - Russia, Diego Quemada-Diez - East Africa, Dan Monceaux - Australia, Jay Rosenblatt - USA). Local filmmakers John Warren. Karen Aqua and Ken Field, Robert Todd are expected to be in person.

April 19, 2007, Thursday, 7:30PM
Film as a Subversive Art - Part IV (introduced by John Gianvito)
Round four of films from the book "Film as a Subversive Art" written in 1974 by Amos Vogel, the founder of the Cinema 16 in New York, New York Film Festival and Lincoln Center Film Department. The program features "Our Lady of the Turks" by the late Italian avant-garde theater director, actor, and filmmaker Carmelo Bene. "...the most hallucinatory and original masterpiece yet created by Bene; an explosion of neo-expressionism (with surrealist overtones) unequaled on the contemporary screen. Inspired exasperated madness of this possessed moralist carries him beyond rage into black humor and grotesque, burlesque, aimed at the dead weight of a reactionary cultural matrix". - Amos Vogel

May 10, 2007, Thursday , 7:30PM
Choreographing Cinema: Part 3
Yet another re-iteration of films that pay specific attention to movement in cinema. Following two programs featured as part of the "Ideas in Motion" series of the Boston Cyberarts Festival 2005, "Choreographing Cinema: Part 3" features films wherein choreography of the camera, composition of the mis-en-scene, or editing techniques provoke viewers to react not only at psychological but also at the kinesthetic level.


Fall 2006

September 14, 2006, Thursday, 7:30PM
Aftermath, aftershock, Afterthoughts, After death, after…
All the films in tonight’s opening program explore the post-experiential in different ways. Employing an array of cinematic strategies from documentary to reenactment and even animation, these filmmakers ask the question of how to comprehend the incomprehensible and how to represent catastrophe, war, and death in ways that can be both humorous and powerfully moving.


October 5, 2006, Thursday, 7:30PM (Premiere) ** ADDITIONAL 9:30PM show just added **
Avenge but One of My Two Eyes by Avi Mograbi (in person)
Balagan is thrilled to present the Boston Premiere of Israeli filmmaker Avi Mograbi's powerful documentary AVENGE BUT ONE OF MY TWO EYES. Inspired by the legendary myths of Samson and Massada, Avenge is a wry, provocative and mournful documentary on present-day Israel that ponders the relationship between the Jewish struggle for freedom and the Palestinian resistance - a struggle played out most dramatically in the two intifadas, the second of which is still ongoing.
October 19

October 19, 2006, Thursday, 7:30PM

War by Jake MaHaffy (in person)
“This is the world after the end of a world... acre by acre, fence by fence, the war was lost.” WAR is a simple film portrait of four characters looking for work in the abandoned lands of rural America. Shooting alone for almost five years on a hand-cranked movie camera without a producer, crew, actors or a budget, we assembled an unconventional narrative out of these character studies, attempting in limited means to reveal the drama of a disintegrating society. - Jake Mahaffy

October 19, 2006, Thursday, 9:30PM (Premiere)
Who is Bozo Texino? by Bill Daniel (in person)
Freight rider and van tramp, Bill Daniel is back on tour screening his 16-years-in-the-making, documentary film, "Who is Bozo Texino?" --- the secret history of hobo graffiti. This gritty black and white documentary--shot entirely on film-- tells the mostly-factual account of the epic quest and unlikely discovery of railroading's most mysterious artist.

October 26, 2006 , Thursday, 7:30PM (Premiere)
The Life and Work of J.X. Williams + Peep Show Curated film scholar Noel Lawrence (in person)
We present a major film discovery, a significant film by an obscure director J.X. Williams. His notorious tirade against the Chicago Syndicate comes to the screen for the first time after nearly 40 years in limbo. Produced in
Copenhagen in 1965, PEEP SHOW chronicles a secret history of the Kennedy administration, revealing a mafia plot to addict Frank Sinatra to heroin. Film scholar, curator, and archivist Noel Lawrence will give a detailed
introduction on the making of the film and the colorful life of its director, including excerpts from Mr. Williams
forthcoming memoir "The Big Footnote".
November 12, 2006, Sunday, 10:30AM (Museum of Fine Arts)
Description of A Struggle by Chris Marker
The State of Israel was but twelve-years-old when the great cinema essayist Chris Marker (La jetée and Sans soleil) completed this hypnotic documentary. It went on to win the Golden Bear at the 1961 Berlin Film Festival. Images of a young country whose future lies ahead and the narrator’s meditative voice-over posit an existential struggle for identity that is relevant today.

November 16, 2006, Thursday, 7:30PM (Premiere)
Stranger Comes to Town and other videos by of Jacqueline Goss (in person)
They say there's only two stories in the world: man goes on a journey, and stranger comes to town.
"Stranger Comes to Town" re-works an animation from the Department of Homeland Security --combining it with stories from the border, adventures from World of Warcraft, and journeys via Google Earth to tell a tale of bodies moving through lands both familiar and strange.


November 30, 2006 , Thursday, 7:30PM (Premiere)
Magnavoz & American Egypt by Jesse Lerner(in person)
The American Egypt revisits the short life of the first socialist government of the Americas, the Revolution on Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, 1915-1924.   Within the study of Mexico's past, the Yucatan merits consideration as a thing apart.   Attempts to secede in the 19th Century suggest Yucatan was, like Texas and California, only imperfectly attached to the Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Jesse Lerner is a documentary film & video maker and curator based in Los Angeles.


Spring 2006

February 2, 2006, Thursday, 7:30PM (in person)
Director's Eye: Deborah Stratman
For the second time, Balagan welcomes Deborah Stratman ("Kings of the Sky", Spring 2005) who will be in person to present three of her films "the BLVD" (1999), "On The Various Nature of Things" (1995), "How Among the Frozen Words" (2005).

February 16, 2006, Thursday, 7:30PM
Tribute to Teiji Ito: Composer of Avante-Garde Films
Balagan celebrates Teiji Ito, a visionary composer, whose scores accompanied numerous Avante-Garde Films. Besided Maya Deren's "Meshes in the Afternoon" and "The Very Eye Of Night" Teiji Ito scored Charles Boultenhouse's HANDWRITTEN (1959, 9 minutes, 16mm) and DIONYSUS (1964, 26 minutes, 16mm), Marie Menken's DWIGHTIANA (1959, 4 minutes, 16mm) and BAGATELLE FOR WILLARD MAAS (1967, 5 minutes, 16mm), ARABESQUE FOR KENNETH ANGER (1967, 4 min.,16mm), MOONPLAY (1967, 5 minutes, 16mm), Willard Maas' ORGIA (1967, 12 minutes, 16mm), Ben Hayeem FLORA (1965, 6 minutes, 16mm), Ben Hayeem's Flora and several other films.

March 1, 2006, Wednesday, 7:30PM
Richard Broadman: Mission Hill And The Miracle Of Boston (in collaboration with Coolidge Corner Theatre and Photographic Resource Center )
In celebration of the Photographic Resource Center's recent exhibition, "Document: Contemporary Social Documentary Work from Greater Boston", Balagan co-presents a rarely-seen classic of documentary cinema, and a stunning vision of Boston history as it unfolds. Documentarian Richard Broadman's 1978 film traces the history of the Mission Hill area of Roxbury through interviews with residents old and new. In the 1970s urban renewal and a public housing project (from which Mission Hill earned it's now-standard moniker) were forcing changes on the then largely Irish Catholic neighborhood. This chronicle of racial conflict, when a new poor population butted heads with the old residents of the neighborhood, is a stunning reverse look at today's issues in the same neighborhood - where college students and young professionals are moving in and ever-soaring rents are pushing out the poor.

March 24, 2006, Firday, 8:00PM, at Revolving Museum in Lowell
Balagan on Tour in Lowell: What is Avant-Garde Film?
Revolving Museum, 22 Shattuck Street, Lowell, MA 01852, http://www.revolvingmuseum.org/contact/index.html
Balagan collborates with Revolving Museum in Lowell to present three pilot programs of avante-garde films.

March 28, 2006, Tuesday, 7:30PM
Local Premiere: "Lunch with Fela" by Abraham Ravett

April 13, 2006, Thursday, 8:00PM, at the Museum of Fine Arts
The recent selection from the Black Maria Film Festival (in collaboration with Faith Quilt Project)
Museum of Fine Arts (MFA), 640 Huntington Ave., Boston

Balagan collborates with Faith Quilt Project (http://www.faithquilts.org/) and Museum of Fine Arts to present a touring program of the award-winning shorts from the Black Maria Film & Video Festival. This particular selection of shorts from the Black Maria Film Festival conveys different approaches to exploring subject of faith on film. Diversity of genres, film forms. and content are fascinating. Filmmakers include: Sam Green (San Fransisco), Ivan Golovnev (Moscow, Russia), Sara Jane Lapp (Virginia), and others.

April 23, 2006, SUNDAY, 8:15PM at the Somerville Theatre with the IFFB
"The Paino Tuner of Earthquakes" directed by the Brothers Quay
Balagan is pleased to co-sponsor this new Quay Brothers live-action feature in partnership with the Independent Film Festival of Boston.

May 1, 2006, Monday, 7:30PM
Big Balagan: Recent Works from Boston Filmmakers
Alfred Guzzetti, Dan Sousa, Rebecca Meyers, David Baeumler, Lorelei Pepi, Robert Todd and others.

June 30, 2006, Firday, 8:00PM, at Revolving Museum in Lowell
Balagan on Tour in Lowell: Food For Thought
Revolving Museum, 22 Shattuck Street, Lowell, MA 01852, http://www.revolvingmuseum.org/contact/index.html
Balagan collborates with Revolving Museum in Lowell to present three pilot programs of avante-garde films.

August 4, 2006, Firday, 8:00PM, at Revolving Museum in Lowell
Balagan on Tour in Lowell: Art and Politics through Film
Revolving Museum, 22 Shattuck Street, Lowell, MA 01852, http://www.revolvingmuseum.org/contact/index.html
Balagan collborates with Revolving Museum in Lowell to present three pilot programs of avante-garde films.


Fall 2005

Septmber 22, 2005, Thursday, 7:30PM
Visual Poetry of Matthias Müller
Balagan opens its 11th season with a mini-retrospective of films by Matthias Müller, a contemporary avante-garde filmmaker from Germany.

Septmber 29, 2005, Thursday, 7:30PM
Environmental Film Festival: "Chain" by Jem Cohen
Balagan collaborates with the Coolidge's Environmental Film Festival and co-presents "Chain" by Jem Cohen, a chilling and yet mesmerizing journey through the vast American wasteland of chain retailers and worlds of consumer culture.

October 6, 2005, Thursday, 7:30PM
Filmmakers from the West Coast: Rebecca Baron (in person)
Balagan welcomes Rebecca Baron, a Los Angeles-based filmmaker. Her work has screened widely in international film festivals and media venues including Rotterdam Film Festival, New York Film Festival and the Viennale and the Whitney Museum of American Art. She is Associate Dean of the California Institute of the Arts School of Film/Video where she teaches documentary and experimental film.

October 20, 2005, Thursday, 7:30PM
History of American Avant-Garde Cinema: Larry Gottheim
"Gottheim's Cinema is a quest of origins. The films elaborate a response to the fictions of our world, the construction of images and sounds, the repeating cycles of life and nature. The profoundness of Gottheim's act is to elaborate a body of work outside of fashion and within a search for an authentic language of cinematic discourse." - John Handhardt, on the occasion of the presentation of the full "Elective Affinities" cycle at the Whitney Museum, 1981

October 24, 2005, Monday, 7:30PM
Big Balagan: Robert Todd's premiere "In Loving Memory" (in person)
Balagan is excited to host Robert Todd's premiere "In Loving Memory". The film glimpses into the memories and stories of people on death row.

November 3, 2005, Thursday, 7:30PM
Director's Eye: Soon-Mi Yoo (in person)
Soon-Mi Yoo studied German literature Seoul und photography (Master of Fine Arts) am Massachusetts College of Art. Her films and photography have been shown in numerous festivals and exhibitions, among them the International Film festival Rotterdam, New York Film Festival, International Center of Photography (New York), Seattle Art Museum und Boston Center for the Arts.

November 10, 2005, Thursday, 9:30PM
Boston Jewish Film Festival Shorts at Balagan
For the second time, Balagan partners with Boston Jewish Film Festival and presents a collection of shorts.Films in this program possess the nature of filmic myths. They do not represent a reality, they catch fleeting moments of it. These films also remind me of personal diaries. They are composed of sketches and notes one would make sitting in a café or going through family albums or silent home movies. By using different techniques and elements, the filmmakers skillfully organize these “notes” into visual evocative essays that collectively capture the melancholic spirit of our times and offer its audiences a space to ponder and reflect. Among the filmmaker featured are: Uri Kranot & Michal Pfeffer, Jonah Bleicher, Irra Verbitsky, Carl Ippolito, Abigail Child
(in person), Esaias Baitel, Jay Rosenblatt

November 17, 2005, Thursday, 7:30PM
Four Women Artists Series
These four American women filmmakers are pushing the boundaries of the documentary and experimental genres to create thoughtful, funny, complex and unique works. Artists featured are Arshia Haq, Hope Tucker (in person), Nina Yuen and Julia Haslett.

December 1, 2005, Thursday, 7:30PM
Balagan and Magic Lantern Present “The Comedy Show, Part One (in Eight Parts)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. As always, Magic Lantern has your best interests at heart (ha ha), and so we’re bringing you a collection of madcap (ho ho) comic films from the sharpest kino-eyes in the (Western) world of experimental (hee hee) cinema.

December 15, 2005, Thursday, 7:30PM
Filmic Essays: Daniel Eisenberg

Born in Israel in 1954, Daniel Eisenberg studied film at the State University of New York at Binghamton with Ernie Gehr, Larry Gottheim, Klaus Wyborny, Saul Levine and Ken Jacobs. For three decades, Daniel has been making nonfiction independent and avant-garde work, "interrogating "official" histories and investigating personal stories within the context of major social and political events." He lived and worked in Boston for 14 years but now resides in Chicago where he is the Chair of the Department of Film, Video, and New Media at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. His films have screened at : Museum of Modern Art, NY; University of Amsterdam; Goldsmiths College, University of London; Musee National d'Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris; Whitney Museum of American Art, NY; Bangkok Experimental Film Festival; Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley and many other venues.


Spring 2005

February 17, 2005, Thursday, 7:30PM
Art and Politics: Kings of the Sky by Deborah Stratman - Boston Premiere, Official Selection of the Rotterdam Film Festival
In the spirit of the Human Rights Watch Film Festival and Balagan's "Expanded Genre of Documentary" and "Art and Politics" series, the 10th season starts with KINGS OF THE SKY by a Chicago-based filmmaker Deborah Stratman. This provocative film – a hybrid between experimental cinema and documentary genre, is about resistance, balance and fame. The follows tightrope artist Adil Hoxur as he and his troupe tour China’s Taklamakan desert amongst the Uyghurs, a turkic Muslim people seeking religious and political autonomy.

March 1, 2005, Tuesday, 7:30PM
Recent works of Abigail Child (in person)
A celebration of the recent works by the renown local filmmaker Abigail Child. The program includes the Boston premiere of The Future is Behind You, the 2005 Jury Award winner of the Black Maria Film Festival.

March 22, 2005, Tuesday, 7:30PM
Big Balagan: Ricky Leacock (in person)
A rare occasion to meet and celebrate one of the most renown documentary filmmakers Richard Leacock .

March 24, 2005, Thursday, 7:30PM
Filmmakers on tour: Jim Finn (in person) & Arthur Jones (Chicago)
Balagan hosts an evening of new works by two Chicago-based filmmakers Jim Finn and Arthur Jones. Jim Finn makes videos about small animals, love and communism. His work has screened at the Rotterdam International Film Festival, New York Underground Film Festival, Cinematexas, and the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. His work has also appeared on the PBS and in Harper’s magazine. Arthur Jones, a graduate of RISD, is an animator and illustrator who animated shorts has shown in the Chicago Underground Film Festival, Worm Film Series (Rotterdam), Chicago International Children's Film Festival, LA Shorts, and Gavin Brown Passerby Gallery in New York.

April 7, 2005, Thursday, 7:30PM
You'll Pay for This! (Artists in person)
Balagan goes punk with premiere screenings of 2 local films about Boston's improtant contribution to the punk music scene in the 70's and 80's. Come see a slice of Boston's underground history and meet some punk rock legends in the flesh.

April 14, 2005, Thursday, 7:30PM
History of the American Avante-Garde: Ed Emschwiller
A unique opportunity to look into the legacy of one of the most interesting filmmakers of the American Avante-Garde cinema - Ed Emshwiller, whose experiments as well as collaborations with dancers, musicians, and visual artists truly expanded understanding and perception of film medium and at the same time, laid grounds for the contemporary video art.

April 21, 2005, Thursday, 7:30PM
The recent selection from the Black Maria Film Festival
Museum of Fine Arts (MFA), 640 Huntington Ave., Boston

Balagan and Museum of Fine Arts are hosting a touring program of the award-winning shorts from the Black Maria Film & Video Festival. Named after Thomas Edison’s Black Maria Film Studio – the world’s first purpose built motion picture studio – the festival’s mission is to support the vision of independent film and video makers, and to present a cross-section of fresh, explorational work which is inventive, diverse, insightful, assertive and adventuresome. This program is an eclectic mix that features works by Marie Losier, Peter Rose, Abigail Child, Jim Trainor, Mara Mattuschka (Austria), Dan Boord and Louis Valdovino, Janie Geiser, Chris Landreth (Canada).

April 23, Saturday, 12PM and April 24 Sunday 6:30PM
Chain directed by Jem Cohen in The Boston Independent Film Festival
Location: Somerville Theatre, 55 Davis Sq. Somerville, MA
Balagan is proud to be co-sponsoring a screening with the Boston Independent Film Festival to present the New England premiere of Jem Cohen's new experimental documentary Chain. Cohen won the Turning Leaf Someone to Watch Award at this year's Independent Spirit Awards for the genre-blending Chain, which was also named one of the "10 most promising films of the year" by Variety. Tamiko (Miho Nikaido of Hal Hartley's FLIRT, BOOK OF LIFE, and HENRY FOOL) is a Japanese businesswoman hurtling toward the bright and shiny future of "entertainment real estate." Researching amusement parks and malls, she meets with nameless potential clients and rehearses her English in anonymous business hotels. Amanda (Mira Billotte, singer for the indie bands Quixotic and White Magic, in her film debut) is a runaway who squats in abandoned or unfinished houses, makes an unsteady living cleaning hotel rooms, and spends hours wandering through the mall, gazing at objects she can no longer afford to buy. On opposite ends of the financial spectrum, both women share a dreamy isolation as they drift through the vast American wasteland of chain retailers and philosophize about their relationship to work and consumer culture. Without ever losing its political vision, Cohen's camera captures an uncanny beauty in the familiar, interchangeable landscapes of today's corporate dystopia.-Kristina Aikens

April 30, 2005, Saturday, 11AM and 1:30PM
Choreographing Cinema I and II curated by Alla Kovgan for the Dance and Technology Conference of the Boston Cyberarts Festival
Museum of Fine Arts (MFA), 640 Huntington Ave., Boston
The two programs investigate a diverse spectrum of relationships between dance and film. These films are neither documentaries, nor documentations. All of them are rather creating/choreographing a dance, a movement or a dance-like feeling. This “hybrid film dance” – whether created by a dancer within the space of a film frame, whether choreographed through the movement of the camera and composition of the mis-en-scene, or constructed through the means of editing and such film techniques as painting on film – mesmerizes; reveals the hidden between the frames; inspires audiences to relate to cinema yet in another way, rejuvenates the eye, and offers new ways for humans to see the world. Program I features: Peter Greenaway and Anna Teresa De Keersmaeker (UK/Belgium), Daniel Shmid and Kazuo Ohno (Switzerland/Japan), Irina Evteeva and Slava Polunin (Russia), Lloyd Newson and DV8 (UK), and En-Knap (Slovenia). Program II features: Meredith Monk, D.A. Pennebaker, Stan Brakhage, Guy Maddin (Canada), Konstantin Bronzit (Russia). Artavazd Peleshian (Armenia).

May 5, 2005, Thursday, 7:30PM
Expanded Genre of Documentary: Leighton Pierce
Balagan is proud to present 3 films by Leighton Pierce. Named by Jon Jost as a Master Minituarist, Pierce brings invisible to life, making the audiences to re-discover the world around them in the new ways.

May 7, 2005, Saturday, 11:55PM
You'll Pay for This! (Artists in person)
The second chance to see two local films about Boston's improtant contribution to the punk music scene in the 70's and 80's. Come see a slice of Boston's underground history and meet some punk rock legends in the flesh! (Repeat of April 7th program)

May 19, 2005, Thursday, 6:30PM - as part of the 21st Annual Boston Gay & Lesbian Film/Video Festival
Experimental Feature in Focus: "The Time We Killed" by Jennifer Reeves
Location: Museum of Fine Arts (MFA), 640 Huntington Ave., Boston

In her first feature, Jennifer Reeves creates a stirring visual poem on life in NYC post 9/11. She effortlessly combines elements of linear and non-linear narrative with documentary film to express the internal emotional life of bisexual Brooklyn writer Robyn Taylor (Lisa Jarnot), who becomes unable to finish her assignment due to feelings of paranoia, disorder, memories of past lovers, and fear of her country's current political agenda. As in her earlier shorts, Reeves challenges filmic conventions by creating a new language for herself that feels collectively old and new. Description adapted from the London Lesbian & Gay Film Festival. Co-presented by Women in Film & Video/New England.


Fall 2004

September 9 , 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM
New England Beat
Balagan begins the 9th season with the program of recent shorts from the New Enlgand filmmakers: Robert Todd, Alfred Guzzetti, Bob Harris, Saul Levine, Nancy Andrews, Ann Steuernagel, Alice Cox.

September 23 , 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM
Echoes from the Flaherty Seminar - in person – Margarita DeLaVega, executive director of the Flaherty Seminar
This year, Flaherty Seminar (http://www.flahertyseminar.org) – a one-week film viewing retreat spiced with impassionate discussions among filmmakers, critics, scholars, curators, librarians and students, celebrated its 50th anniversary. This program is an eclectic selection of shots presented at Flaherty by this year's curator Susan Oxtoby. Among aritists and films featured are: Bocas de Ceniza (Mouths of Ash) (2003-4) by Juan Manuel Echavarria (Colombia), Journeys (2003) by Vinayan Kodoth (India), Standard Gauge (1984) by Morgan Fisher (US).

October 14 , 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM
Filmmakers from the West Coast: Matt McCormick in person
Balagan welcomes Matt McCormick, a Portland Oregon filmmaker who has made several award winning short films. He is also the founder of Peripheral Produce, an internationally recognized video distribution label specializing in short experimental work, and the director of the Portland Documentary and eXperimental Film Festival, Portland’s premiere venue for experimental, documentary, and otherwise obscure contemporary cinema. Matt has had three films screen at the Sundance Film Festival, and has received awards including Best Short Film from the 45th San Francisco International Film Fest,Best Short Film from the 2002 Ann Arbor Film Festival and others. He has screened at such venues as the Seattle Art Museum and the Lincoln Center, and his film ‘The Subconscious Art of Graffiti Removal’ was named as one of the ‘Top 10 Films of the 2002’ by both The Village Voice and Art Forum magazine.

“In the last few years, Matt McCormick has emerged as one of our strongest independent filmmakers, doing work that’s both ingenuous and humorously absurd...” Fred Camper, Chicago Reader

October 20 , 2004, Wednesday, 7:30PM (reception at 7PM)
BIG BALAGAN 1: Peter Kubelka: The Metaphoric Films in person


October 21 , 2004, Thursday, 6:30PM
BIG BALAGAN 2: Peter Kubelka: The Metric Films in person
Museum of Fine Arts (MFA), 640 Huntington Ave., Boston

Two screening/lectures with Peter Kubelka, one of the most distinguished figures in the history of 20th century avante-garde and independent filmmaking. His films are an innovative demonstration of cinematic possibilities. Moreover, as an artist or theoretician he has also worked in architecture, literature, music, painting and cuisine. He has been also a curator at the Austrian Film Museum in Vienna that he founded in 1964. His teaching on the topic of food preparation as an art form at the Frankfurt School of Fine Arts led to an extension of his title as Professor of Film to that of Film and Cuisine. Over the past 40 years he has lectured at museums, universities and institutions throughout the world, and has been awarded the Austrian State Prize for his life's work.

"Peter Kubelka is the perfectionist of the film medium – the world's greatest filmmaker which is to say, simply: See his films! ...by all means/above all else... "– Stan Brakhage

October 28, 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM
Bushwacked II
In the spirit of the upcoming elections, this program of shorts reminds about the mishappenings of the last four years under the Bush Administration as well as draws parallels to the similar situations faced by different people around the world. Among the artists featured are: Reza Parsa, Bryan Boyce, The Speculative Archive (a.k.a. Julia Meltzer & David Thorne), Jino Choi and others.

November 9, 2004, Tuesday, 7:30PM
BALAGAN at the Boston Jewish Film Festival

November 18, 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM
Magic Lantern Presents: “The Re-Enactment Show” Curated by Ben Russell
Come on down for a night of re-interpretations as we plumb the depths of what experimental film has to offer in the time-honored tradition of the Re-Enactment. Not only do we have the Civil War, but we’ve got Indian street kids in Bollywood musicals, celluloid visions torn from the funny pages, and remakes of cinema classics and avant-garde masterpieces. - Ben Russell

Featuring: I’m Bobby by Xav Leplae (32:00, 35mm, 2003), Across the Rappanahock by Brian Frye (10:00, 16mm, 2003), Electrocute Your Stars by Marie Losier (8:00, 16mm, 2004), Passage a L’Acte by Martin Arnold (12:00, 16mm, 1993), Mary Worth by Various Directors (15:00, 16mm, 2001)

December 2, 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM
Art & Politics
In this program we will begin to explore the complex relationship between politics and art in film. Looking at several short works that express their political ideologies through very different approaches from lyrical meditations on the daily crisis in Palestine to an in your face testimony of a suicide bomber, we will undoubtedly raise more questions than answers at the end of the night.

December 16, 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM
Experimental Feature in Focus I: "Baghdad in no particular order" (2004) by Paul Chan


Spring 2004

February 5, 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM
History of the Avant-Garde Film: Stan Vanderbeek
Balagan begins the 8th season with the new series on History of the Avant-Garde Film. Each program in this series will focus on one or two known or less known filmmakers whose creations became invaluable contributions in the development of alternative visions in film. The first program in the series presents works of Stan Vanderbeek who was not only a pioneer in the development of American experimental film and live-action animation techniques but also produced theatrical, multimedia experiments that included projection systems, dance, planetarium events and the exploration of early computer graphics and image-processing systems.

February 19, 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM
City Symphonies
Since the birth of cinema, filmmakers have been fascinated with photographing and discovering the spirit of the city. This program is a collection of films about human existence in the industrial metropolitans. Poetic urban landscapes, complex socio-cultural relationships, community neighborhoods, city slams... Among the filmmakers featured are Jack and Olga Chambers, Dominic Angerame and Jem Cohen.

March 4, 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM
Film as a Subversive Art III: Left and Revolutionary Cinema: Third World
Round three of films from the book "Film as a Subversive Art" written in 1974 by Amos Vogel, the founder of the Cinema 16 in New York, New York Film Festival and Lincoln Center Film Department. The program features The Hour of the Blast Furnaces (LA HORA DE LOS HORNOS) by Fernando Solanas, Argentina, 1967. "The masterpiece of the subversive art - a shattering indictment of American imperialism in South America -- is a brilliant tour de force of tumultuous images, sophisticated montage, and sledgehammer titles, fused into a passionate onslaught of radical provocation to olt the spectator to a new level of consciousness". - Amos Vogel

March 18 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM
In Transit
Lots of wheels, honks, steam, spilled gasoline along with romantic and not so romantic stories, technological progress, environmental tragedies, traffic gems, accidents, terrorists... Films in this program ponder about means that humans have been using to migrate from place to place and all the social / political / economic / personal context that surround them. Among the filmmakers features are D.A. Pennebaker, Len Lye, Robert Breer, Bruce Baillie, Su Friedrich, Timoleon Wilkins, Danny Plotnic, and Jeff Sher.

April 1, 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM
Curator's Eye: "Animated Documentary" curated by Jessica Meistrich Gidal
Balagan continues collaborating with local filmmakers and curators to put together thematic programs. This program is curated by the local filmmaker Jessica Meistrich Gidal:
"The animated documentary, a collision of two seemingly incompatible genres, takes the viewer on a trip to the artist's mind's eye, a place with equal power as the verite camera lens to distill and present reality. This show of contemporary animated non-fiction shorts from around the world will feature filmmakers who combine their animation with traditional documentary techniques -- like man-on-the street interviews and reenactments – and others who animate the interviewee's own artwork, use stop-motion to interpret landscapes, or meditate on actual events for which there is no visual documentation. Through unabashed subjectivity, these films shine a bright light on the constructed and fabricated nature of the traditional documentary. Featured artists include: Bob Sabiston, Steve Woods, Sheila Sofian, Vivienne Jones, Dennis Tupicoff, Joe King, Ellie Lee, Steven Subotnick and the Southern Ladies Animation Group."
April 29, 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM
Art and Politics meet yet again in this program of films that focus on issues of immigration around the world and particularly in the United States considering the new immigration regulations of George Bush's administration. One of the highlights of the program is Alex Rivera's " Papapapa" that tracks his father's immigration northwards from Peru, paralleled by a similar journey endured by the simple potato.

May 27 , 2004, Thursday, 7:30PM

Film as a Subversive Art IV: Left and Revolutionary Cinema: West

Round four of films from the book "Film as a Subversive Art" written in 1974 by Amos Vogel. The program features Ice by Robert Kramer, USA, 1969. "This film coolly extrapolates twenty years into the American future to discover urban guerillas in the streets and glass-and-marble buildings of New York, at was against fascist regime..."- Amos Vogel


Fall 2003

September 11, Thursday, 7:30PM

Bushwhacked by 911
In the series of shorts, at times, satirical and playful, filmmakers ruminate about the current state of humans in the post- September 11th world - wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, almost weekly terror acts in different parts of the planet, Department of Homeland Security, Patriot Act... Among work presented are "Bushwacked" remix, "Terror/Iraq/Weapons" by Mike Nourse, videos by Paul Chan, and others.

September 25, Thursday, 7:30PM
Perhaps more photographed than any other image, WATER has provided an endless inspiration to a countless number of artists working in almost every film genre. Balagan will honor WATER with a program of its own, H20 "a wet and dripping series of films and videos inspired by the great element. Films will include the incredible 1929 masterpiece "H20" by Ralf Steiner as well as "The Quarry" (Shot in Quincy, MA in 1970) by the late Richard Rogers. Among filmmakers featured are Ralph Steiner, Richard Rogers, Barbara Hammer, Stan Brakhage, and others.

October 9, Thursday, 7:30PM
Charles and Ray Eames: Film as an Apparatus for modeling ideas
The program is inspired by Charles and Ray Eames, the most important American designers of the 20th century, who between 1950 and 1982 made over 100 films. Eames used the film medium to model their ideas about science, architecture, design, and as a result, created a unique collection of experimental films. The ideas range from vintage toy trains and IBM Mathematics Peep Shows to a meditation on the nature of photography, movements of a tiny jellyfish and Kaleidoscope Jazz Chair, among many others.

October 23, Thursday, 7:30PM
Film as Subversive Art II
Round two of films from the book "Film as a Subversive Art" written in 1974 by Amos Vogel, the founder of the Cinema 16 in New York, New York Film Festival and Lincoln Center Film Department. Reviewing over 500 films (many of which are banned and rarely seen), Amos Vogel ruminates upon "how the aesthetic, sexual and ideological subversives use film medium to manipulate our conscious and unconscious, demystify visual taboos, destroy dated cinematic forms, undermine existing value systems and institutions." Among the filmmakers featured are Steve Arnold, Stan Vanderbeek, Bruce Conner, Robert Breer, Robert Mitchell and Dale Chase, Peter Kubelka and others.

November 6 , Thursday, 7:30PM
Director's Eye: Craig Baldwin (in person)
Our guest - Craig Baldwin, a San Francisco based filmmaker and a curator of The other Cinema (http://www.othercinema.com/sosframe.html ) will present a specially abridged 16mm print of "Sonic Outlaws' and his personal collection of the several short tapes each bearing on the relevant issues-- collage, copyright, fair-use, culture-jammimng, and tactical media-interventions.

November 20, Thursday, 7:30PM
In Continuous Wars: Afghanistan
The program presents a feature masterpiece "Afghan Spring" by the legendary Japanese documentarian TSUCHIMOTO Noriaki. A portrait of Afghanistan between the Soviets and Taliban, the last glimpses of the architectural and sculptural treasures perished during the wars of the last decade, riveting interviews with members of opposing forces, socialists, mujahedins, women, villagers who repeat in unison their desire for peace and stability...

December 8 , Monday, 7:30PM Tickets: $15 (+ sliding scale for students)
BIG BALAGAN: The 1st Balagan Fundraiser in the Movie House II
An eclectic collection of works by the local and international filmmakers around the theme of

Among the filmmakers presented are Mary Filippo, LEV, Henry Hills, Jino Choi, Joe Gibbons, and Jorge Furtado. Raffle of tapes and even prints donated by the filmmakers, Balagan memorabilia, and other surprises will be part of the event. Please come, we need your support to keep Balagan going!

December 11, Thursday, 7:30PM
Crossing Boundaries : Tricksters and Rule Breakers. An evening of confusion, mishap, and the willfully deceptive in film and filmmaking. Picaresque con artists of folkloric proportion twist the status quo into the visionary without batting an eye. Beware of pick pockets. The screening is introduced by Lewis Hyde. Among the filmmakers featured are Joanna Priestley, James Broughton, Georges Melies, John Marriott, Paul Chan, Breathing Planet, Liisa Lounila, and Helene Kaplan.


Summer 2003

July 18, 2003, Friday, 9:30PM - 1 AM, ART BEAT FESTIVAL at SOMERVILLE THEATRE!
Spaces and Places
The planet EARTH becomes smaller and smaller, within a couple of days Earth's inhabitants are able to cross the entire globe, within hours they migrate from one culture to another, from wealth to poverty, from busy urban metropolitans to serene landscapes, from the war-zone to the paced life in the suburban towns. Their constant need to survive and never-stopping experiments with environment exhausted the LAND and put Earth's dwellers in the constant battle for both physical and emotional space to exist, a place to belong and imagination to escape to.

takes you on a journey through cultural, political, psychological and imaginative places and spaces encountered and recorded by filmmakers in the form of documentary, experimental, and fiction films and videos. Among the filmmakers are Katerina Cizek and Peter Wintonick, Reynold Reynolds, Bryan Papciak, Robert Todd, Alfred Guzzetti, Paul Winkler, Mike Nourse, Charles and Ray Eames, Peter Tscherkassky, Antonio S. Cecilio Neto, Peter Greenway, Matthias Muller, Richard Rogers, Stephen Marshall.

Location: Somerville Theatre. 44 Davis Square in Somerville
[T: Davis Sq. on the Red Line]


Spring 2003

May 28, 2003, Wednesday, 7:30PM
Tribute to Stan Brakhage curated by Fred Camper (in person)
at Moviehouse II - 250 Seats
Balagan is honored to collaborate with Fred Camper, a writer and lecturer on film and art, and put together a program in memory of Stan Brakhage, one of the greatest filmmakers and thinkers of experimental film in the United States who has recently passed away.

Fred Camper
"This program presents some of Brakhage's greatest achievements. By exploring the tension between daily seeing and the more abstracting elements that he saw as ways of plumbing other stratas of consciousness, Brakhage explored the boundaries between quotidian existence and the more imaginative, even unknown, realms that he took as a principal subject."

May 8, 2003, Thursday, 7:30PM
"Film as a Subversive Art"
This program is inspired by the book "Film as a Subversive Art" written in 1974 by Amos Vogel, the founder of the Cinema 16 in New York, New York Film Festival and Lincoln Center Film Department. Reviewing over 500 films (many of which are banned and rarely seen), Amos Vogel ruminates upon "how the aesthetic, sexual and ideological subversives use film medium to manipulate our conscious and unconscious, demystify visual taboos, destroy dated cinematic forms, undermine existing value systems and institutions." Among the filmmakers featured are:
Warren Haack (US), Roland Lethem (Belgium), Kurt Kren and Otto Muehl (Austria), Y. Matsukawa (Japan) and Erik Barnouw (US), Bruce Conner (US) and Stan Brakhage (US).

April 24, 2003, Thursday, 7:30PM
Experimental films by Arab Women Filmmakers
Balagan continues to explore experimental tradition from different parts of the world and welcomes a program of shorts by Arab Women filmmakers. The programs is curated by Hisham Bizri, a Lebanese film and video artist and currently an artist in residence at the Center for the Advanced Visual Studies at MIT. Among the filmmakers featured are Ateyyat El Abnoudy, Marianne Khoury, Viola Shafik.

April 12, 2003, Saturday, 1-3:30PM
Filmmakers Open Studios FREE!
Balagan is proud to be hosting a special program for the city wide Filmmakers Open Studios, where we will present works by some of the talented local artists that have been screened in our programs over the years.

April 10, 2003, Thursday, 7:30PM
Direct Animation Revolution Now!
An insanematography show curated by Devon Damonte IN PERSON!

Suddenly cells of strange obsessive anarchist film scratchers and painters are omnipresent. It's a ding-dang DIY thumpin revolution in your town and across the globe. Twas made historic at last fall's Ottawa Animation Fest where a new category for "non-narrative" film was introduced, and the festivities at this major industry event began and ended with a "projector orchestra" performing live to a giant scratch film completed minutes before. In this here screening you'll see kickass stuff done on site at Ottawa03 and also from 'Crackpot Crafter' workshops in Southie, Olneyville, Waltham, Olympia, Seattle, Eugene, and Telluride. Plus new treats from genre giants across the continent, and a closeup immersion in new stuff from once Bostonian vagabond Devon Damonte, including: WonderPain, BusterBalls, and FuckinGoofy. And of course we'll have on hand raw film leaders of various stripes and a plethora of Sharpies and scratch-o-thingies for y'all to make yer own group loop later.
- Devon Damonte

March 27, 2003, Thursday, 7:30PM
Director's Eye: Phil Solomon IN PERSON!
Balagan is proud to be hosting a special program of works by avant-garde legend Phil Solomon.

March 13, 2003, Thursday, 7:30PM
"Language is a virus..."
Relationships between the language and mind, between geometric figures or patterns of letters on screen and their meaning as well as mystery, inventiveness, misunderstanding, subtlety, emotion... The works in this program explore the power of human language in cognitive, artistic, and visual sense. Featured artists include Janie Geiser, Paul Sharits, Jeanne C. Finley, Henry Hills, Owen Land, Takahiko Iimura, Peter Rose.

February 27, 2003, Thursday, 7:30PM
"Fool's Paradise: Trance and Enchantment in Visionary Film" curated by Pelle Lowe
Starting this spring, Balagan will regularly invite local filmmakers to realize their curatorial dreams with our new series "Filmmaker's Pick". To kick off the new series, local filmmaker Pelle Lowe presents "Fool's Paradise", an evening of trance-cinema, films that mine the liminal space between illusion and mystery, history and nightmare, terror and delight; "heaven, blazing into the head." Featured artists include Bruce Conner, Phil Solomon, Mark Wilson, Harry Smith and Eve Heller.

February 13, 2003, Thursday, 7:30PM
Objectifying the Body: Exploring Modern day myths Aphrodite and Adonis
Super Models, tummy tucks, diet scams, breast implants, face lifts, washboard ads, silky skin, Super-white teeth, body art and body piercing. Why are we so obsessed with how we look on the outside? It is an eye opening cross-generational mix of experimental films and videos about body image. Featuring Frédéric Moffet's Hard Fat, Naomi Uman's Removed, Willard Maas & Marie Menken's Geography of the Body, Leland Auslender's The Birth of Aphrodite, Robert Banks' Outlet, and Gail Noonan's Your Name in Cellulite.

January 23, 2003, Thursday, 7:30PM
The end of innocence
In our ongoing efforts to present the community with alternative visions and voices about the State of our Nation and the World, this program reflects upon current predicaments from political, historical, artistic and humanitarian perspectives. Among Filmmakers featured are Craig Baldwin, LEV, Peter Watkins, Bruce Spangler, James Schneider.


Fall 2002

December 18, Wednesday, 7:30PM
To celebrate the 50th show, Balagan is moving to the 250 seat Moviehouse II and hosting a marathon screening of the Balagan premieres by local film and video makers. We hope to have all the artists in person and invite all of you for a post-screening discussion and celebration. Among the featured artists are: Abraham Ravett, Robert Todd, Louise Bourque, Joe Gibbons, Abigail Child, Steven Subotnick, Alfred Guzzetti, Tony Flackett, Ellie Lee and others.

December 5, Thursday, 8PM
Arabian Nights
Balagan continues introducing Boston audience to the experimental films and videos from around the world. This program features experimental films and videos by the filmmakers from the Arabic countries. Among the filmmakers featured are: Walid Ra'ad (Lebannon), Souheil Bachar (Lebannon), Tawfik Abu Wa'el (Palestine), Hakim Belabbes (Morocco), Afif Arabi, Akram Zaatari (Lebannon) and Ateyyat El Abnoudy (Egypt).

November 22-23, Friday - Saturday
Balagan is collaborating with Video Space to put together a program of the digital shorts by the local artists. The program will be playing on the monitor as a loop at the National Conference of the Association of Moving Image Archive. Among the videomakers Jared Medeiros, Dennis Miller, Robert Arnold, Lawrence Klein, Andrew Dimirijian, Geoff Adams, Jon Erwin, Ann Steuernagel, Nicole MacDonald. Location: The Boston Park Plaza Hotel

November 21, Thursday, 8PM
Pixel Vision
Balagan collaborates with Gerry Fialka, the founder of the Pixel Vision Festival to put together a program of the best of Pixel Vision. After the show, the discussion with Gerry Fialka and filmmakers will follow . Among the filmmakers featured are: Sean Eno, Michael O'Reilley, Michael Almereyda, Sadie Benning, Elisabeth Subrin and Joe Gibbons.

November 12, Tuesday, 8PM
DIGITAL SHORTS (see November 22-23 program for details)
Location: Coolidge Corner Theatre

November 7, Thursday, 8PM
Treasures of Austrian Avant-Garde

Balagan collaborates with Louise Bourque, filmmaker and film professor teaching at Emerson College and School of Museum of Fine Arts, and SIXPACK (AUSTRIA), the only government funded distributor of experimental films and videos, to present an evening of experimental works from Austria. Along with such established masters such as Peter Tscherkassky and Gustav Deutsch, the program also features less US knows masters of the Austrian avant-garde: Lisl Ponger and Elke Groen.

October 27, Sunday, 8PM Balagan collaborates with Berwick Institute
Location: Berwick Institute
(directions to be posted)
Looking is better than feeling you curated by Astria Suparak
Balagan collaborates with Berwick Institute to present a program of experimental works by ladies-filmmakers curated by Astria Suparak, an independent curator and promoter of experimental film from New York City. The program features Shannon Plumb, Kirsten Stoltmann, Miranda July, Karen Yasinsky, Dara Greenwald, Jacqueline Goss, Colleen Hennessey and others.

October 24, Thursday, 8PM
Through Mystery and Magic
In the best traditions of the early avant-garde cinema (Georges Melies, Fritz Lang) and American Underground movement of the 60's (Stan VanDerBeek, Kenneth Anger), this collection of works glorifies theatricality, intensity of sets and decor, masks, make-up and costumes of the exalted characters, intricate illusionary experiments, magic and supernatural within the multi-layered experimental narratives. Among the filmmakers featured are Mara Mattuschka, Anna Biller, Reynold Reynolds and Lawrence Jordan.

October 10
, Thursday, 8PM
Expanded Genre of Documentary
Following the steps of Robert Flaherty, Chris Marker, Joris Ivens and others, the filmmakers of this program step beyond the traditional conventions of the documentary genre and create poetic visual essays – turn the reality into poetry but at the same time preserve ingenuity of the subject of their explorations. Among the filmmakers featured:
Lynne Sachs, Jonathan Schwartz, Philip Hoffman, Aleksei Vakhrushev and Leighton Pierce.

September 26, Thursday, 8PM
Crime and Punishment
Continuing the theme of the last season's Victory Day show, the films in this program ruminate upon the human condition in our current world filled with crime, wars and trauma. Among the filmmakers featured: Robert Todd, Jim Seibert, Stan Vanderbeek, Peter Rose, Jem Cohen, Bryan Boyce,and David Brown.

September 12, Thursday, 8PM
Family Stories
Intimacy, kinship, gatherings, meals, marriage, holidays, childhood, grandma, divorce, abuse, dis-functionality, pain...... Films of the "Family Stories" program construct a portrait of our collective family as humans. All of us should be able to uncover some familiar lines among it. Featuring Films by Luther Price, Stan Brakhage and Matthias Müller.


Summer 2002

July 19, Friday, 9:30PM
Food for Thought
Filmmakers in this show take you on a journey to explore the cultural, political, artistic, and personal phenomena of FOOD through variety of film genres. Among the filmmakers featured are Jan Svankmajer, Sam Green, Max Coniglio, Les Blank, Joanna Priestley, Karen Aqua, Reynold Reynolds, Chuck Stattler, Jorge Furtado, Lawrence Klein, Jared Madeiros, and others.

Location: Somerville Theatre. 44 Davis Square in Somerville
[T: Davis Sq. on the Red Line]

Spring Season 2002

May 30, Thursday, 8PM
Experimental Films and Videos from Israel
Balagan is honored to present a Program of Experimental Films and Videos from Israel curated by Karin Segal.

May 23
, Thursday, 8PM
Visual Surprise IV: Fresh Perspectives
Round Four of Visual Surprise, a traditional balagany experience, Balagan dedicates to the new works by local students and upcoming filmmakers.

May 9 ,
Thursday, 8PM
Victory Day
May 9 is traditionally celebrated in Europe as a commemoration of the victory over the Nazi Germany. For this occasion, Balagan presents a collection of experimental films and videos dealing with political, social and economic issues in modern society.
Among artists featured: John Gianvito, Sarina Khan Reddy, Travis Wilkerson, Matthias Müller, & Dana Plays

April 27,
Saturday, 1-5PM
Filmmakers Open Studios
Balagan hosts local filmmakers to show and talk about their work. Featured Artists: Sabrina Zanella-Foresi, Antony Flackett, Devon Damonte, Robert Todd.

April 25,
Thursday, 8PM
Appropriated Images
A compilation of works that appropriate images from different sources. Among artists featured: Bill Morrison, Ken Kobland, Abigail Child, Louise Bourque, Robert Arnold, Arnold Johnson, Shawn P. Morrissey, Sarina Khan Reddy.

April 18,
Thursday, 8PM
Handmade films:
FILMS THAT RISE TO THE SURFACE (OF CLARIFIED BUTTER) curated by Sandra Gibson & Luis Recoder
Derailing their perforated strip, ribbon or celluloid, the individual filmmakers in this program scratch, chisel, burn, rub, paint, and skid across their plastic surface. Among artists featured: Devon Damonte, Sandra Gibson, Peggy Ahwesh, Brian Frye, Luis Recoder and others.

March 28 ,
Thursday, 8PM
Video Music
Anti-music Videos - works that play with rhythm and pacing through editing image and/or sound. Featured artists: Antony Flaskett, Walter Wright, Barry Spinello, Ericka Thompkins, Tony Cokes, Dennis Miller, Thorsten Fleisch, Michelle Beck & Jorge Calvo, Dr. Emile Tobenfield.

March 14, Thursday, 8PM
It's Not Easy Being Green
An unusual look at our environment. Featrued filmmakers: Geoff Adams, Rebecca Myers, Chirs Gaines, Joe Gibbons and Henry Ferrini.

March 7 , Thursday, 8PM
Director's Eye: Ericka Beckman
Balagan continues presenting one filmmaker shows. Ericka Beckman, a professor from Mass Art will be showing her recent and older work.

February 23
, Saturday, 7:15PM
Balagan at BUFF
For the second time, Balagan presents a special screening event at the Boston Underground Film Festival 2002.
Oni Gallery @ 684 Washington Street at Kneeland St. in Boston's Chinatown
[T: Boylston on Green Line; Downtown Crossing on Red; Chinatown on Orange]


Fall Season 2001

December 13
, Thursday, 8PM
Visual Surprise III
Traditional balagany experience -- a closing night of the BALAGAN series, a concoction of surprises and unpredictable happenings.

December 12, Wednesday, 8PM
Director's Cut: Big Balagan
A special screening in the upstairs theatre will present work of such local filmmakers as Karen Aqua, Ericka Beckman (premiere), Alfred Guzzetti, Louise Bourque, Joe Gibbons, Devon Damonte, Robert Todd (premiere) and Hal Hartley.

December 6, Thursday, 8PM
Russian Experimental Films and Videos (90s)

Balagan is honored to present two Russian Experimental Film and Video programs. These program presents works by film and video artists of the 90s. Most of the works have been created at the numerous independent studios formed after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The programs are curated by Masha Godovannaya and sponsored by Finnair.

November 20, Tuesday, 7:30PM FREE
Special Screening: Afghanistan Program
This special screening is put together by Bob Nesson, a local filmmaker, who shot a documentary about Afghanistan twenty years ago. Balagan is honored to present this screening and very greatful to Bob for allowing Boston community to see his work and learn more about Afghanistan. Along with excerpts from Bob Nesson's film, a documentary "Beneath the Veil" will be shown.

November 15, Thursday, 8PM
Women's Perspectives II
Experimental films by women film/video makers and installation artists: Pelle Lowe, Diane Bonder, Jane Hudson, Bridget Murnane and others.

November 1, Thursday, 8PM
Poetry in Motion
This selection of films unite works based upon or inspired by pieces of literature and poetry by local filmmakers and poets. Henry Ferrini (filmmaker) and his renown "Lowell Blues: The words of Jack Kerouac", Alberto Roblest (filmmaker and poet from Mexico), Jeanne Liotta, Pelle Lowe and local poets.

October 18, Thursday, 8PM
Director's Eye: Robert Todd
A unique opportunity to see a collection of works by Robert Todd who will be in person at the screening.

October 11, Thursday, 8PM
Local Masters III
One of the balagany traditional series bring one more round of works by the extraordinary experimental filmmakers who teach at the local colleges and universities:
Luther Price, Saul Levine, Jeanne Liotta.

September 27, Thursday, 8PM
West Coast Series: Craig Baldwin
Out-of- town series feature Craig Baldwin, one of the most well known avant-garde and experimental filmmakers from the Bay Area who works with appropriated footage. Balagan presents his film "Spectres of the Spectrum", a 93 minute film that "utilizes old 'kinescopes' (filmed records of early TV broadcasts before the advent of videotape, mostly from the late Fifties' educational show called 'Science in Action') to create an eerie, haunted "media-archaeology" zone for a sci-fi time-travel tale, wherein live-action actors search for a hidden electromagnetic secret to save the planet from a futuristic war-machine."

September 13, Thursday, 8PM

No place like home
A journey through homes, people's dwellings and family stories with filmmakers from around the world: Goran Radovanovic (Serbia), Paul Tarrago (England), Luther Price (USA), Saul Levine (USA) and others.


Spring Season 2001

May 31st, Thursday, 8PM
Visual Surprise
A Balagany tradition! We can't give away the surprise just yet. Stayed tuned for occasional hints.

May 24th, Thursday, 8PM
Director's Eye: Abraham Ravett

May 17th, Thursday, 8PM
Independent Exposure
Balagan is pleased to host an evening of Experimental works compiled by Joel S. Bachar, Founder of Microcinema and Blackchair Productions based in Seattle, Washington and on the web www.microcinema.com.

May 3rd, Thursday, 8PM
Director's Eye: Abigail Child

April 26th, Thursday, 8PM
Fresh Perspectives
A look at new works by Boston's new and up and coming film/video makers from SMFA, Mass Art, etc.

April 12th, Thursday, 8PM
Animation II
Curated by local filmmaker/animator Jeff Sias, he brings round two of incredible local animations to Balagan

March 29th - No Show-New England Film Festival

March 22nd, Thursday, 8PM
Hello Ojos
Non-fiction visual explorations of exotic lands and cultures of Central America and India by Locals Jeff Silva Ojos Viajeros, and Nina Davenport Hello Photo.

March 15th, Thursday, 8PM
Mexico Dreams
Curated by Local artist and Mexican native Alberto Roblest, He brings us the best in Experimental film/video works from Mexico.

March 1st, Thursday, 8PM
Women's Perspectives
Experimental films by 10 local women film/video makers and installation artists (Joan Nidzyn, Adriene Hughes, Bebe Beard, Isa Dean, Lara Frankena, Sarah Smiley, Ann Steuernagel, Cadence Thomases, Vanessa O'Neill, Ellie Lee)

February 23rd, Friday, 7:30PM
Balagan at BUFF
Balagan presents a special screening event at the Boston Underground Film Festival 2001
Location: Revolving Museum, 288-300 A St, Boston, phone: (617) 439-8617 view map

February 15th, Thursday, 8PM

Local Masters II
A look at 3 of New England's acclaimed experimental filmmakers who also happen to teach filmmaking in town: Abraham Ravett, Abigail Child and Mark LaPore.


Fall Season 2000

Visual Surprise I
A Balagany tradition! The closing night of the fall season.

Eastern European Winds
Experimental Cinema from Yugoslavia (Low-Fi Video Project).

Western European Winds
Experimental Cinema from Portugal (Galeria Ze Dos Bois).

New and Up and Coming
A collection of works by New England teenage artists selected by the Reels Eyes Consortium.

Video Interactions
A program that unites artists working in various mediums of video/sound/dance/performance (Paula Josa Jones, Devon Damonte, David Franklin, Alissa Cardone and others).

Animation I
Curated by local filmmaker/animator Jeff Sias. A diverse selection of works from New England that explore diverse animation genres and techniques (Dan Sousa, Jeff Sias, Jake Mahaffy, Jamie Maxfield, Anouck Iyer, Devon Damonte and others).

Local Masters I
A collection of works by Boston renowned masters from MassArt, Museum School and Emerson College (Robert Todd, Jacqueline Goss, Dana Moser, Louise Bourque, Joe Gibbons, Jane Hudson, Saul Levine, and Paul Turano).

Opeining Night

The birth of the Balagan Film & Video Series!